Develop you own understanding about stress. What causes you to be stressed? Make a list, and then note how you can react to it.
Recognise when pressure is building up and do something before it gets out of hand
Watch for the early warning signs of stress in yourself and others – your colleagues and family members
Listen to your body, review how you treat it – do you take regular meal breaks and not rush your food? Are you getting enough sleep or exercise?
Break down big problems into smaller ones that you can manage easily Identify what you can change and what you can’t. Some things will be difficult to change – learn to accept the things you cannot change. Learn to view change as an opportunity for growth and problems as a challenge.
Talk to friends/people about your problems. Don’t sit on problems, discuss them and encourage other people to do so as well
Learn to smile as you talk to others
If in doubt, learn to ask relevant questions
Praise yourself for trying (whether or not you achieve your objective,) instead of punishing yourself for failing.
Learn to face fears instead of avoiding them.
Where appropriate, swap “I shall” for “I might” and learn to say “No”.
Learn to disapprove of inappropriate behaviour rather than the person displaying it.
Set priorities, make some realistic goals.
Recognise your strengths and achievements!
Learn to breathe properly and practise regularly through the day. Use breathing and visualisation techniques often
Develop your relationships and build in more time with family and friends. Don’t forget the relationship with self! Build in a time for reflection; make an appointment with yourself every day
Make more time for yourself, sport, leisure or self-development. Take care of your body by doing yoga or bodywork. Learn to relax, find your best method and do it several times a day if possible. Build in short relaxation breaks through the day. Learn to say “No”
Recognise your strengths and achievements!
Learn the skills of self massage or massage with a partner and relax yourself in this way
Accept professional counselling services when things become overwhelming.